With a website!
Here you will find the latest updates, exclusive info and media, and so much more. I'm based in Nashville, but I am always looking to grow and expand my spheres of influence and beer drinking. Feel free to explore the site and join me in my adventures.

Who am I?
Good question! I’m someone who finds pure joy in craft beer—from the rich depths of stouts to the crisp, malty notes of Märzens. Craft beer isn’t just a drink for me; it’s a fusion of science and creativity, a symphony of flavors from malt to finish in every golden sip. Through my journey, I hope to inspire more Black people to explore and appreciate craft beer as much as I do.
Yes, I could talk about often being the only Black face in a brewery—that’s an experience many Black beer enthusiasts know all too well. But today, I want to focus on something deeper: why I love craft beer beyond the brew itself. Craft beer is where I feel accepted, whole, and balanced. It’s where I find my community—a world of Black beer drinkers who geek out about hops, fermentation, and glassware just like I do. Here, I don’t have to hide or let imposter syndrome weigh me down. I’ve discovered a space I can shape and call my own.
I am The Beerded Brotha because I want to create a space where others can be their true selves. I am The Beerded Brotha because I want to document my journey, showcase my growth, and share something I deeply love. Most of all, I am The Beerded Brotha because craft beer is just plain fun—and this journey is one worth raising a glass to!
Who am I? Good question!
This is where you can see what I am involved in and how you can follow me!

Subscribe to my youtube for "The Beerded Tastings" Interviews and other content from Beer reviews/pairings to general education about beer!
Let's brew together! I am always looking for opportunities to collaborate with people in the craft beer community! Let's create the community we want to see together! Click the title to check out my rate card!
See exclusive content from Behind the scenes, beer reviews, and never before scene interviews! I have a style for everybody
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